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pero' / tutti senza qualche rotella

10, 10, 10!

Stuff on GitHub

I'm storing there the sources of most of the projects I worked on, small and large.

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A simple tool thought to help you play some print and play games and tabletop RPGs.

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A random generator of small worlds designed to be explored following Yochai Gal's Cairn adventure game rules.

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Massive Randomness 2

A Massive Darkness 2 one-shot quest random generator.

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Generals of Stampadia

An open-source print-and-play single-player Expandable Card Game.

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The Scroll of Many Glances

An experimental app-supported masterless fantasy RPG thought for mobile devices and inspired by PbtA and OSR tabletop role-play games.

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Dungeons of Crimsonbranch

A tiny adventure dice game you can play on a computer, a mobile device, or a sheet of paper, inspired by looter hack'n'slash RPG videogames.

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A procedural black box investigation game: the game simulates 56 days of 6 persons and generates a PDF newspaper from their testimonies for the player to guess what happened.

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Rogue Rogue

A secrets-packed roguelite single-screen platformer arcade game for 1-2 players heavily inspired by the 1986 Taito masterpiece Bubble Bobble and other great games from the past.

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LCD Game - World Changers

A simulator of a never existed physical LCD handheld conversion of World Changers, an action game inspired by old classics, like Cabal, Contra, and OutRun, and modern games like Gears Of War and mobile casual gaming.

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Wizard Survivors

Wizard Survivors is a 500-characters codegolfed tribute to the infectious game Vampire Survivors.

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Travelers Of Stampadia

The Chronicles of Stampadia card game spin-off! A daily print-and-play roguelike adventure card game you can play offline.

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An implementation of the machine I've seen in my dreams.

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An opensource web browser 1-4 Players arena shooter you can play offline in split-screen and networked (experimental).

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Chronicles Of Stampadia

A daily print-and-play roguelike adventure you can play offline.

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A fast Print-and-Play Roll-and-Write Deckbuilder for two players.

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An experimental opensource digital card game system that offers a mechanic inspired by deck-building games to implement multiple types of game.

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A single-player Card Battler game I worked on in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown caused by COVID-19 virus.

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Papercraft videogame cartridges you can print and pirate with a copy machine.

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World Changers

A Contra-GearsOfWar inspired third person shooter you can play with one finger that can change the world.

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Tighty Deadline

A puzzle/arcade about level design. Easy is hard to design.

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Wright! Magazine

A thoughtful full-stack reimplementation of gaming in 80's and 90's.

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An open-sourced surreal social-collaborative Twitter-based text adventure that changes unpredictably. - DEAD

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The Last Of At

A Fanfictional Tribute Survival Roguelike in 1K of JS.

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Gamecora TV

A HTML5/JS/CSS3 TV about gaming that goes to the sources. Nobody in the middle.

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JSTV Suite

Make your own TV Channel with HTML5/JS/CSS3. The Gamecora TV heart.

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You don't have any index. Pick a weapon and hunt data by yourself. Introducing the First Person Search Engine.

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KesieWoolf Gaming Network is just a personal catalogue of my and my GF's videogames. Except for his look, behaviour and contents that are like a real gaming site. (Italian only)

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Magaka is an opensource javascript engine that allows to create modern digital magazines using open web technologies.

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Do you think that scrollviews are the vanilla of mobile apps? Taste this javascript implementation.

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Meltingbot is a magazine about. REST calls, rectangle packing and CSS transformations mixed together.

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Pixelated indie-style videogames for your browsers and touch devices using HTML5, Javascript and nothing more!

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Web. Comic. For real. Create simple webcomics actually made with web and write them like blogging.

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Kesiev Chiefs

A Ruby media player in 300 lines of code

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About me

About me and my life.

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A (unfinished) manga about... well... videogames!

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A strawberry flavoured package manager for linux. Your tiny Gentoo.

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Something White

Un libro di Bianca Brenna

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You feed. It grows. An unfinished project store/blog. And a full featured JS blog.

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A podcast (DTV, Yahoo! Podcast and more) client for KDE written in C++!

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A basic simulator for Firefox! A real tribute to the old Commodore 64!

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A GMail clone in PHP/MySQL! - DEAD

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A kioslave that creates virtual filesystems using bashscripts under KDE!

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An RSS Aggregator written in Javascript that simply works. For some technical limit, a PHP proxy with time-limited cache was added.

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Nori Nori Block

Nori Nori Block is online multiplayer tetris with statistics, custom game modes and more!

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A search engine for real good words - by JJ!

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A (old and unfinished) manga by KesieV. (Storyboard by Posixe/Lucio)

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Jubble Bobble

A full featured clone of Bubble Bobble for Siemens Java phones.

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Nori Nori Revolution

A DDR style game from the old site.

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A Space Invaders clone from the old site.

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Io, Io, Io!

Nostra figlia

2014-09-28 10:49:41

Stringeva forte i minuscoli pugni agitandoli al cielo, come per ringraziarlo per avergli donato la vita e, nel contempo, maledirlo per averla fatta cosi' piccola.
Aprire gli occhi al mondo con un dilemma esistenziale e' fin troppo crudele da immaginare, persino per il piu' impacciato dei genitori ed e' per questo che, le circostanze o Madre Natura, mi spinsero a condividere con lei ogni notte insonne ed ogni giorno nero.
Ma, per carita', non immaginatela come una edulcorata storia di famiglia: era delizioso veder allargarsi il suo piccolo sorriso prima di addormentarsi ma, quelle doloranti non erano le braccia di Morfeo - erano le mie, cosi' come mie erano le notti insonni. E si, quando ha imparato a camminare da se, con quella sua andatura goffa ma decisa, molte delle mie passioni si sono infrante, ammonticchiate e messe da parte. Letteralmente.
Si dice che sia il tempo a far cambiare le cose - vero. Ma e' l'amore a decidere come. E con tempo ed amore che la piccola si fece grande ed adorabile.

Grande. Com'e' relativo.

Prima di diventarlo, guardavo distrattamente e con snob gli altri genitori, che vivevano nel loro mondo elitario, con il loro gergo e la loro stereotipata catena di comando - che siano in televisione, con i loro copioni precisi e misurati, o ad un bar, dove il massimo era una butade su quello che andava di moda quel giorno.
Ma se c'era una cosa che mi mandava in bestia era il loro errato uso della parola "grande". "Guarda, e' proprio grande!". "E' proprio diventata grande, una signorina!". "Potrai farlo solo quando diventerai grande."
Abbandona il pannolino? E' diventata grande. Comincia a camminare? E' diventata grande. Parla? Grande.
Da arcigno puntiglioso della logica e schematizzatore dell'umanita', la mancanza di "piu'" davanti a "grande" mi appariva come un grave errore, in quanto eliminava quel senso di progresso, continuando a dare la stessa etichetta a tappe molto distanti di un cammino e dando la percezione - in realta' - di rimanere immobili.
Poi capii. Quando la vidi soffiare le prime candeline. Anche se ogni progresso era notevole, la grandiosita', la meraviglia ed il senso di appagamento del traguardo era uguale anno dopo anno.

Era grande. Ogni volta.

Finche', un giorno, si accorse del trucco e decise che era grande abbastanza.
Abbastanza da diventare se stessa e da poter finalmente risolvere il primo grande dilemma della sua vita: era arrivato il momento di ringraziare il cielo per avergli dato vita.
E, con un sorriso, strinse un'altra mano e se ne ando'. Raggiunse un manipolo chiassoso di altri come me (o com'ero?) proprio dopo il portone di casa, mi fece un sorriso, una promessa e spari' in un'automobile.
Mi concessi pochi secondi per immaginare la sua vita dall'accensione di quell'auto sino all'ultimo dei suoi giorni, per potermi costruire qualcosa del quale augurarmi.
E desiderai per lei che trovasse qualcono meglio di me, o alla peggio come me, con il quale continuare a crescere. Che cambiasse il mondo o - se proprio non fosse stato possibile - cambiasse il mondo di chi ne ha bisogno. Che possa sentirsi come avrebbe sempre voluto essere - e forse che desideri di essere cosi' come l'ho sempre immaginata.
E che forse, il giorno in cui vorra' ringraziare qualcuno, ringrazi anche me - anche senza pronunciare il mio nome.
Cosi' accostai la porta, mi tuffai sul divano e, sorseggiando un caffe', sorrisi al pensiero di come e' magnifico essere genitori di un'idea.

~ . ~


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~ . ~

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About me

I'm Francesco and I should be 44 years old now. Should be because this age is calculated by three lines of code and I could be dead now and this code can run forever. Never mind. I love computers and computer programming. I play videogames since the first day of the Atari age in Italy and I love them when are made by people. And this happens quite often, since there isn't - when I'm writing these lines - a machine which programs itself at this level of complexity - however should be interesting. How can be a self-programmed videogame? Something like Nethack? I love drawing manga, opensource and everything else is indie and made with love. Oh, I also love alive things. Bianca. But, seriously, we are in a world where machines sings that are Still Alive, so we can love everything. I also love friends. I've just a few of these little things and most of them are just chat contatcts. Who cares? Computers are made by people, used by people and transfer data made by people (eventually formatted to justified text by machines) so I'm (we're - as human) everywhere. And I love writing fuzzy things about technology, friends and me, if is alive. And I just love things? No. I hate the half of the things I've not listed here. If this was a classic personal blog of some frustrated teenager I should put you in the bad half. Cheese. You probably are in the good one - according my site stats.


Mail: kesiev

AIM: kesiev

ICQ: 107199617

Skype: mrkesiev

Twitter: kesiev


RSS/Content: here

RSS/Comments: here

RSS/Shoutbox: here


The Joseph Marquis Hut
The south side of the nerdness!

Something White
Bianca's website.

Ize/LordZe and his hypertech blog!

Azim, re-re-re-re-reloaded.

Remakes, freeware games and developer's stuff!


Shoutbox is now closed! :(

KesieV at 2011-06-26 10:18:15

Thank you very much, Eduardo!

Eduardo Gonçalves, M at 2011-06-26 02:50:34

I loved the concept of VanillaOS, and HTML/CSS/JS stuffs

Steveo at 2011-06-21 20:28:21

How do you add links with Magaka pages?

KesieV at 2011-06-07 13:01:19

I sadly discovered this sad sad truth this morning. Fiddled with parameters but with very poor results. I want my Opera back! :)

masnguyen at 2011-06-07 12:35:44

Your Akibahara run slow like 5fps on 3DS, but... its run :D